
Journal manuscript publication

All selected outstanding papers from AMDP 2024 will be considered for publication in international reputed SCI journals through a peer review process. This publication is free of charge, so we strongly recommend you to contribute as it will provide an important record of your research contribution.

Participants of AMDP 2024 have the chance to submit their full papers to the Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (JMSE, Springer) or Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (MSSP, Elsevier).

We ask that authors who are not native English speakers have their work properly proofread before submission. Errors in spelling and grammar may also cause rejection.

Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy and originality of their publications. Any evidence of plagiarism in the manuscript will be treated seriously. Plagiarized content will not be accepted for publication and the manuscript will be readily rejected.

Submission Process

The manuscript submission process will start after the conference. The author instructions and submission guidelines for JMSE and MSSP will be emailed to interested authors.

Please find the details about submission in the link below.

Annoucement for paper submission AMDP2024